RAW’s hot video picks of the week

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Every week the RAW team gather together to discuss some of the best content they have seen over the past week. Every film is chosen by the team – please feel free to check out some of our best picks!

Let us know what you think @rawprouk.

Gatorade – G Active 

Chosen by Charlotte; “This is crazy – the amount of time and effort it must have taken to do something like this with such meticulous detail”.


COCOON – A Short Film About Grief & Loss

Chosen by Tom; “I thought this was an incredibly interesting way to approach grief and loss, something we’ve been talking about a lot recently”.

AXE – is it ok for guys…

Chosen by Charlotte; “I quite liked this but a lot of people in the team really didn’t! I thought it was a bold and interesting direction for a brand like this. A step away from the conventional, and a nod to the trend for brands to be – or at least be perceived as – socially responsible”.

NOWNESS – In Residence: Rose Uniacke 

Chosen by Ed; “My first Cinema Friday – the pressure was immense! This is a beautifully framed and shot piece and the music really adds to its impact”.

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