As Raw prepared the turkey and mince pies for this year’s Christmas Party, we couldn’t help debating the top Christmas Ads of 2017.
Get involved and tell us what you think @rawlondonuk.
Chosen by Amy; “Kevin’s quest to save the love of his life warms my heart and makes me laugh a lot. Beautifully executed and a fantastic spoof with references to classic Christmas movies and adverts.“
Chosen by Fiona; “I’m already a loyal Morrisons customer and I found this sweet ad refreshingly simple. Two thumbs up for free-from food options”.
Chosen by Jess; “I like Tesco’s nod to the reality that Christmas can be stressful at times. But the overall message of getting friends and family together, regardless of religious beliefs, is an occasion that should be celebrated.”
Chosen by Ed; “I have to say I’ve not been super impressed with the overall Christmas ad offering this year and despite Sainsbury’s attempt to buck the schmaltzy, soft focus trend of the last decade, I can’t say this is any better. We’ve arrived at the saturation point of the creative style pioneered by John Lewis and become numb to its inherent emotional puppetry. In that sense Wieden+Kennedy should be applauded for branching off and trying to show us a more realistically diverse view of a British Christmas, but god please don’t infer I’m going to being singing along at my desk to your self-penned song by putting a bouncy brussel sprout above the closed caption lyrics. Just no. Instead I shall do the same as every year: seethe with envy at your media budgets and viewing figures and buy Pret Christmas sandwiches for lunch every single day they are available to me.”