Every week, the Raw team get together to watch the best videos they’ve seen.
Here’s the top 4 this week!
Let us know what you think @rawlondonuk.
Chosen by Amber; “This is just so sweet!”
Chosen by Charlotte; “An oldie but a goodie, this has 31 MILLION views on Facebook and 16 million on YouTube! It’s just so simple yet one of the most effective pieces of content I’ve seen – because it is targeted so perfectly at the desired audience.”
Chosen by Sam; “This is a really effective use of animation in documentary. Some people use dramatic re-enactments, some use archive footage, but when the story is inspirational, light hearted or just out-right funny, animation can be a great way of re-telling a story that’s already transpired.“
Chosen by Charlotte; “A different tone for Save the Children, and indeed charities in general. Gives a powerful and effective PR hook.”