Our team of content creators have chosen some crackers this week! Feast your eyes on McDonald’s funny-but-true new advert, a gorgeous 360 music video, a hilarious company promo and an unexpectedly futuristic fashion film.
Let us know what you think @rawprouk.
Chosen by Lexi; “It takes some really really great creative to make me share something that McDonalds has made. So this is really great!”.
Chosen by Rob; “If you have a chance, check out the 360 version of this video – it’s incredible. I love how these guys have used VR to create a parallel narrative and POV to the traditional music video. I always look down in 360 video to see what they did to the camera mount in post production, and seeing hands playing the piano is such a clever touch that really immerses you in the 360 world”.
Chosen by Laury; “This hilarious documentary style video describes the company’s journey – it’s off-beat, energetic, funny and this is what makes people want to watch it til the end and buy Harry’s razors after”.
Chosen by Laury; “A very original way to showcase new collections, really not what we’re used to see from clothing brands or fashion retailers!”.