Branded ads with a purpose dominate this week’s video picks, with Save the Children, Prostate Cancer UK and Airbnb using video to convince audiences to engage with their serious message… with some Christopher Walken thrown in for good measure.
Let us know what you think @rawprouk.
Save the Children – Still The Most Shocking Second A Day
Picked by Sasha; “This video takes a real world situation that many struggle to identify with and brings it to our attention in a way we can’t ignore. The feeling of ‘that could be a child I know’ really hit home with me“.
Airbnb – Love is Welcome Here
Picked by Ollie, “Not only is this really nicely shot but it’s bold and unusual to see one of the biggest brands in the world tackling LGBTQ issues – and we love it”.
Prostate Cancer UK – Ignoring prostate cancer won’t beat it
Picked by Sasha; “I really liked the use of reversed roles here – the son having the ‘awkward’ conversation with his father – a really creative way of communicating a serious message with a little tongue in cheek“.
Qantas – Points
Picked by Lee, “I like the simple wordplay in the video and the funny different scenes with Christopher Walken… it put a smile on my face, and sometimes that’s all a brand needs to do“.
Got a video you think we’d like? Tweet us @rawprouk