Every week, the Raw team get together to watch the best videos they’ve seen. Here’s the top 4 this week!
Let us know what you think @rawlondonuk.
Chosen by Fiona; “This is part of a new series ‘Internetting’ by New York Times journalist Amanda Hess. It’s educational, riveting and almost uncomfortable to watch – which is fitting, considering the subject matter.“.
Chosen by Jess; “I chose it because I think the animation is beautiful and I love the way it flows from one concept to the next, I also love the sound design and audio track”.
Chosen by Sam; “I picked it, because I’ve never seen anything like it. It looks like a combination of 360 rendered for 2D with animation and motion graphics and maybe even some shot footage. It’s an incredible example of how mixed media can be so visually arresting. The use of all these techniques and the creative vision behind it sets a tone and mood for the tone and mood of the film that the script would never be able to achieve.”
Chosen by Ed; “This a classic example of a brand sailing very close to the wind with their attempt at a CSR video. The sentiment, the cause and elements of the execution are all pulled off to a certain degree. However, some would say that the brand saturation and product placement at the very heart of this campaign dilutes the overarching anti bullying message and leaves viewers unable to shake the feeling that someone, somewhere is always trying to sell you a Jr. Whopper”.